
The laws of chance, strange as it seems,
Take us exactly where we most likely need to be
[David Byrne]

segunda-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2006

Buon giorno principessa!

Resolvi fazer este teste por causa das nossas recentes conversas sobre príncipes encantados. Descoberta a princesa que há em mim, ficaria a saber que tipo de príncipe me está destinado. Agora já sei.

You're BELLE from BEAUTY AND THE BEAST! Warm, kind and caring, you always bring out the best in others, but tend to keep to yourself and a few close friends who you love dearly. You love books and dream of fairytale adventures. You know that beauty lies within and don't depend on looks alone. You think it's good to be individual and different to others, but don't go out of your way to be rebellious - you just naturally stand out. You're a strong person, but also ladylike and intelligent. You look forward to change. You'd definitely break the Beast's spell.
Certain as the sun, rising in the East, tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme, Beauty and the Beast...'

Which Disney Princess Are You?