
The laws of chance, strange as it seems,
Take us exactly where we most likely need to be
[David Byrne]

segunda-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2006

As massagens

O George compreende-me.

George: I can't get a massage from a man.
Elaine: Why not?
George: What, are you crazy? I can't have a man touching me. Switch with me.
Elaine: No, I don't want the man either.
George: What's the difference, you're a woman. They're supposed to be touching you.
Elaine: He'd just be touching your back.
George: He'd just be touching your back too.
Elaine: No, it could get sexual.
George: I know. That's the point. If it's gonna get sexual, it should get sexual with you.

[de «The Note», 1º episódio da 3ª época do Seinfeld]


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Posts à parte, gostei da parte que ouvi do destaque na rádio comercial... É para continuar???
Valerá bem a pena acompanhar


Ao contrário do que diz a letra, pode ser que de um triste princípio tenha um belo fim ;)

Vitor Costa

10:29 da tarde  

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