
The laws of chance, strange as it seems,
Take us exactly where we most likely need to be
[David Byrne]

sexta-feira, 7 de setembro de 2007

Eu não vi nenhum dos filmes de Ingmar Bergman

RICHARD CORLISS: If someone who hadn't seen any of his films asked you to recommend just five, what would be your Bergman starter set?
WOODY ALLEN: The Seventh Seal, Wild Strawberries, The Magician, Cries and Whispers and Persona.

Fica aqui, para não se perder, a lista de Bergmans para principiantes.


Blogger wednesday said...

Então essa lista também é para mim!

10:37 da manhã  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

E o diálogo termina assim:

R.C.: Many directors would be happy to have made just those five films.

W.A.: Or one of them.

4:16 da tarde  
Anonymous Anónimo said...


9:43 da tarde  

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