
The laws of chance, strange as it seems,
Take us exactly where we most likely need to be
[David Byrne]

quinta-feira, 13 de julho de 2006

O oposto

Se eu actuasse como o oposto de mim, como o George faz, com grandes vantagens, num episódio do Seinfeld («The Opposite», 5ª época), estes seriam os meus problemas:

Adult Attention Deficit Disorder
Adult ADD is marked not only by a short attention span but also by a multitasking mind. Anxious to avoid boredom, those afflicted are constantly scanning their environment, searching for all things captivating. They may read lots of books, but they finish few. They misplace things and require constant reminders. They are risk takers, thrill seekers, and, often, caffeine addicts. They are news junkies and channel-clicker/cable-surfers. In conversation, they often detour into parenthetical tangents, never returning to the main point. On the Net, they can't help getting lost in cyberspace for hours. Back on planet Earth, they interrupt people. They can't stand waiting in lines. They juggle too many projects and are chronically late.
On the other hand, ADD can ruin relationships and careers. Not surprisingly, many ADD adults can't hold down a traditional office job. That's why many set up shop surrounded by high-tech information tools in a home office, where they can impulsively act on swirling bits of information without driving other people crazy.

[daqui, mais aqui e aqui]


Anonymous Anónimo said...

...e qual é o oposto de AADD...?

12:45 da tarde  
Blogger Sam said...

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, mas apenas na parte "obsessive".

4:50 da tarde  

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