
The laws of chance, strange as it seems,
Take us exactly where we most likely need to be
[David Byrne]

terça-feira, 31 de maio de 2005

Sessão de terapia musical

Ontem à noite andei a remexer nos meus discos e reencontrei um CD do Elton John - Live in Australia with the Melbourne Simphony Orchestra - que eu não ouvia há séculos.

Resolvi levá-lo hoje de manhã para o recordar no carro. Não sabia se o disco ainda iria produzir qualquer tipo de efeito em mim.

Como tive de fazer um trajecto mais longo que os vinte minutos do costume, consegui ouvi-lo do princípio ao fim, com o volume no máximo que o rádio e as colunas do meu carro permitem.

Relembrar aquela música, aquelas letras e aquela voz, lavou-me a alma. Sem dor nem angústia. Cheguei ao meu destino revigorada e sorridente, pronta para enfrentar mais um dia de trabalho.


Blogger Roberto Iza Valdés said...

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3:36 da manhã  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Fruta vida is an amazing drink that is now widely available in the USA and Canada showing remarkable abilities to assist the cure of natural ailments such as diabetes and many other every day illness's. Just read the testimonial from takers of this drink and the specialist's opinions will speak for themselves - try it!

5:51 da tarde  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Fruta vida is an amazing drink that is now widely available in the USA and Canada showing remarkable abilities to assist the cure of natural ailments such as diabetes and many other every day illness's. Just read the testimonial from takers of this drink and the specialist's opinions will speak for themselves - try it!

5:10 da manhã  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Fruta vida is an amazing drink that is now widely available in the USA and Canada showing remarkable abilities to assist the cure of natural ailments such as diabetes and many other every day illness's. Just read the testimonial from takers of this drink and the specialist's opinions will speak for themselves - try it!

3:21 da tarde  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Fruta vida is an amazing drink that is now widely available in the USA and Canada showing remarkable abilities to assist the cure of natural ailments such as diabetes and many other every day illness's. Just read the testimonial from takers of this drink and the specialist's opinions will speak for themselves - try it!

12:56 da tarde  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Fruta vida is an amazing drink that is now widely available in the USA and Canada showing remarkable abilities to assist the cure of natural ailments such as diabetes and many other every day illness's. Just read the testimonial from takers of this drink and the specialist's opinions will speak for themselves - try it!

4:24 da tarde  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Fruta vida is an amazing drink that is now widely available in the USA and Canada showing remarkable abilities to assist the cure of natural ailments such as diabetes and many other every day illness's. Just read the testimonial from takers of this drink and the specialist's opinions will speak for themselves - try it!

11:33 da manhã  

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