
The laws of chance, strange as it seems,
Take us exactly where we most likely need to be
[David Byrne]

segunda-feira, 30 de agosto de 2004

Diálogos monólogos

E já que falei do «Dancer in the Dark» aproveito para referir o meu filme preferido. É difícil escolher só um filme preferido e, feita a escolha (com todas as ressalvas: “um dos”, “até agora”, etc.), é ainda mais difícil falar dele. Por isso vou só falar de uma coisa: os diálogos da Bess com o seu deus, em que ela fala consigo própria. De um lado uma voz autoritária, um olhar virado para baixo; um tom repreensivo e condenatório. Do outro, uma voz infantil, um olhar expectante, virado para cima (como na foto); um tom choroso, suplicante mas subserviente. Já tive muitos diálogos destes, mas tanto o meu deus como eu fomos, ao longo do tempo, mudando de voz, de tom e de posição relativa.

- Bess McNeil, for many years you’ve prayed for love. Shall I take it away from you again? Is that what you want?
- No, no. I’m still grateful for love…
- What do you want then?
- I pray for Jan to come home.
- He will be coming home in ten days. You must learn to endure, you know that.
- I can’t wait.
- This isn’t like you, Bess. Out there, there are people who need Jan and his work. What about them?
- They don’t matter. Nothing else matters. I just want Jan home again. I pray to you. Oh, please, won’t you send him home?
- Are you sure that’s what you want?
- Yes.
- Father, are you there? You’re still there?
- Of course I am, Bess, you know that.
- What’s happening?
- You wanted Jan home.
- I changed my mind. Why did I ask for that…?
- Because you’re a stupid little girl, Bess. I had to test you. Your love to Jan has been put to the test.
- Thank you for not letting him die.
- You’re welcome, Bess.
- Don’t let him die.
- And why shouldn’t I let him die?
- I love him.
- So you keep saying, but I don’t see it.
- There’s nothing I can do… There’s nothing at all.
- Prove to me that you love him and then I’ll let him live.
- Dear father, what’s going on?
- Father, where are you?
- Father, why aren’t you with me?
- I am with you, Bess. What do you want from me?
- Where were you?
- Don’t you think I have other people who want to talk to me?
- Of course. I haven’t thought of that.
- And there’s this silly little thing called Bess, who keeps on wanting me to talk to her so my work has been piling up a bit.
- But you’re with me now?
- Of course I am, Bess, you know that.
- Thank you.